Die Schwalbe

1 problem(s) found in 1345 milliseconds (displaying 1 problem(s)). [PROBID='P1016771'] [download as LaTeX]

1 - P1016771
Sergej Chatschaturow
Shakhmatnaya Kompozitsiya 04-06/1992
14. Sowjetische Mannschaftsmeisterschaft
1. Platz
1. d8=S? Txc7 2. Sc6+ Txc6#
1. d8=S? Sxc7 2. Sxe6+ Sxe6# aber 1. ... Lxc7!
1. Dxe6? Txc7 2. Dc4+ Txc4#
1. Dxe6? Sxc7 2. Dd5+ Sxd5# aber 1. ... Ke4!
1. Lxd3! Txc7 2. Sc2+ Txc2#
1. Lxd3! Sxc7 2. Sb5+ Sxb5#
play all play one stop play next play all

Genre: s#
FEN: nb6/qrPPP3/rp1Kp1Q1/pB2P3/Rn2k1bR/N2p4/3P4/8
Input: Frank Müller, 2004-05-12
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The problems of this query have been registered by the following contributors:

Frank Müller (1)