Die Schwalbe

1 problem(s) found in 1214 milliseconds (displaying 1 problem(s)). [PROBID='P0002341'] [download as LaTeX]

1 - P0002341
Luigi Ceriani
94 32 personaggi e 1 autore 1955
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R: 1. ... Sb4xSd5 2. Sf4-d5 Kc8-b8 3. Sh3-f4 Kb8-c8 4. Sg5-h3 Kc8-b8 5. Sf7-g5 Kb8-c8 6. Sh8-f7 Kc8-b8 7. h7-h8=S Kb8-c8 8. h6-h7 h7xSg6 9. Sf4-g6 Kc8-b8 10. Sd5-f4 Kb8-c8 11. Sc7-d5 Kc8-b8 12. Sa8-c7 Kb8-c8 13. h5-h6 Kc8-b8 14. a7-a8=S Kb8-c8 15. a6-a7 Kc8-b8 16. a5-a6 a6xSb5
play all play one stop play next play all
hans: R: 1. --- Sb4xSd5+ 2. Sf4-d5 Kc8-b8 3. Sh3-f4 Kb8-c8 4. Sg5-h3 Kc8-b8 5. Sf7-g5 Kb8-c8 6. Sh8-f7 Kc8-b8 7. h7-h8=S Kb8-c8 8. h6-h7 Kc8-b8 9. h5-h6 h7xSg6 10. Sf4-g6 Kb8-c8 11. Sd5-f4 Kc8-b8 12. Sc7-d5 Kb8-c8 13. Sa8-c7 Kc8-b8 14. a7-a8=S Kb8-c8 15. a6-a7+ Kc8-b8 16. h4-h5 Kb8-c8 17. a5-a6 a6xSb5 18. Sc7-b5 Kc8-b8 19. Sd5-c7 Kb8-c8 20. Kb5-c5 a7-a6+ etc. (2011-02-11)
Keywords: Ceriani-Frolkin Theme (SS)
Genre: Retro
FEN: 1k6/1p1pP1p1/1P1rp1p1/1pKn4/N1RP4/bQBRP3/BrpP2P1/1b6
Reprints: (1) Problem 157-160 11/1973
4 Die Schwalbe 146 04/1994
Input: Gerd Wilts, 1995-06-03
Last update: Mario Richter, 2012-07-17 more...
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The problems of this query have been registered by the following contributors:

Gerd Wilts (1)