change log for P1347235 (close)

2018-02-2418:45:46Felber, Volker h# refgen   add  
2018-02-2418:45:46Felber, Volker wKa8 wTc4 wLb6c8 wSh7 wBd3f6 sKe5 sTc3b7 sLa6a7 sBb3f4b4g5f7c7 position   add  
2018-02-2418:45:46Felber, Volker wKa8 wTc4 wLb6c8 wSe4 wBd3f6 sKe5 sTc3b7 sLa6a7 sBb3f4b4f5f7c7 position   add  
2018-02-2418:45:46Felber, Volker wKa8 wTc4 wLb6c8 wSh7 wBd3f6 sKe5 sTc3b7 sLa6a7 sBb3f4b4f5f7c7 position   add  
2018-02-2418:45:45Felber, Volker 177 KoBulChess 27/04/2013 refsrc   add  
2018-02-2418:45:45Felber, Volker Francesco Simoni refaut   add  
2018-02-2418:45:45Felber, Volker P1347235 problems soltxt  update Cyclical Zilahi with complete cycle of functions of three white units (capture, mate, support of the mating piece). Diagonal - orthogonal echo in black sequences of moves, with cyclical dual avoidance in B1. To self-block in B2 one of the squares d5, e6, d6, black could choice between two of three different moves in B1, but only one is successful, in cyclical form. (Author)  
2018-02-2418:45:45Felber, Volker P1347235 problems cpluscomm  update Popeye WINDOWS98-32Bit-Version 3.77 (8192KB) 
2018-02-2418:45:45Felber, Volker P1347235 problems fcooked  update 
2018-02-2418:45:45Felber, Volker P1347235 problems cplus  update 
2018-02-2418:45:45Felber, Volker P1347235 problems solution  update a) 1. Txd3 Le3 2. Td5 Lxf4# b) 1. Lxc4 Lxb7 2. Le6 d4# c) 1. Txb6 Le6 2. Td6 Te4# 
2018-02-2418:45:45Felber, Volker P1347235 problems stip  update h#2 b) wSh7->e4 c) sBf5->g5 
2018-02-2418:45:44Felber, Volker P1347235 problems   add